The quick way to install AOL desktop gold easily:
If you would like to download AOL Desktop Gold on your window background but you don’t have any clue how to get it downloaded or install then, you are in right place. Because in this guide, we will discuss the exact procedures and step by step method to download and install AOL Desktop Gold on your Mac or Windows 8, 10(mostly used) system. Let’s move with the steps to install AOL Desktop Gold easily by following a few steps below. First of all, you should know the system requirement for downloading AOL Gold For Windows 8 and 10: • Processor: 266 MHz or faster computer processor • Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher screen resolution suggested • Memory: 1GB RAM, 512 MB free hard disk space • Internet: Required for downloading When you are done with the above-given system requirement then, move to the next method to download and install this software For Windows 8: • First of all, you have to access the official AOL Webpage and then, click on Get Membership...