How to block emails and change password on AOL?

AOL Mail has outstanding features and ample storage space for emails. The features allow you to send emails uniquely to your client or colleague to impress them. Sometimes, you get stuck while receiving Spam emails. In that case, it is advisable to block the selected email account. Also, you should change your AOL email password to stay protected from these kinds of emails. In this guide, we will discuss the exact procedures of Blocking AOL email and Change AOL Email Password. You can also get help from the technical team by calling on Aol Support Service Helpline for blocking spam emails.
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First of all, you should block the email address using AOL Desktop previous 10.1 version:

• Login to your AOL account and then enter the keyword, ‘Mail Controls’ into the search box that appears at the top of the application screen and then, press Enter
• Click on the circle that appears just next to ‘Block mail from the address I specify’
• Enter the email address f the businesses or individuals which you want to block into the text box. Enter a comma to the individual email address
• Click on ‘Save’ when you have completed entering the email address

Blocking Spam Emails using AOL Desktop 10.1:

• Log in to your AOL account and then click on ‘Mail’ icon
• Now, click on ‘Settings’ and then ‘Spam Controls’
• Click on ‘Edit Spam Controls’ to start AOL Desktop 10.1 mail controls
• Click on the circle that appears next to ‘Block mail from the address I specify’ and enter the email address of the businesses or individuals which you actually want to block. Do not forget to enter a comma to each mail
• Click on ‘Save’ when you are done with entering email addresses. Click on ‘OK’ when asked with the message ‘Your changes have been saved’
• Now, click on ‘Save’ again to complete the settings within the ‘Settings – Mail’ window. Close the ‘Settings – Mail window
To remove a blocked email address, just enter the AOL Keyword ‘Mail Controls’ into the search box of AOL and press ‘Enter’ and then use your cursor to highlight the blocked email address under the ‘Block mail from addresses I Specify’ heading. Press the ‘Delete’ or ‘Backspace’ key to erase the address. Click ‘Save’ to close the Mail Controls.

When you blocked the Spam email, then you should change your AOL Password. For that,

• Open the AOL official website and sign in to your account
• Go to your account information section
• If you have forgotten your password or unable to sign in to your account then, click on Forgot Password link o the sign-in page
• Then, you will need to enter the answer in your Account Security Question to verify that it is you, the rightful owner of the account. If in case, you have forgotten the answer to the Account Security Question then, click on the Forget Answer option on the Security Question page to reset it
• Make sure to create an answer to the provided Account Security Question tough to guess. Try to make a combination of numbers and letters in the answer so that the hackers are unable to guess the right answer
• After that, click on Change Password in the Account Security section that is located on the top-right corner
• Now, just enter your Old Password and after that, enter your desired New Password. And make sure to make a combination of letters and numbers and special characters. The password must be at least eight characters long
• Click on the Save button to finish the procedure and your AOL Password has been changed
This is how you can block spam emails and change the AOL password easily and quickly. In case, if you have any queries then, it is advisable to get in touch with the technical experts by calling on Aol Security Support Number. The technicians will help you to resolve the issues in the shortest time frame.


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